Georgiana Falls, without me!

Where: Georgiana Falls, Lincoln NH
When: September 17-18, 1994
With: Chip, Dave, Xeth (but not me!)

I had a neighborhood picnic to attend, so I couldn't go, but I encouraged the rest of the Stupids to go anyway. I'm pretty sure I suggested the destination - Georgiana Falls, near Lincoln NH. I'd been interested in it myself. The trail followed Harvard Brook up to a series of falls, then just petered out. It seemed like they could enjoy the falls, then get away from the crowds and find a spot to camp in the woods.

The only report I recall from the trip was that someone slipped on a rock and dropped/smashed a bottle of booze. I'm reasonably sure this photo was from that trip, at the underpass under 93 (start of the trail).

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