Prospect Rock

Where: Vermont, Prospect Rock
When: October 27-28, 1984
With: Chip

I got a new car (Honda Civic Sedan), so...road trip! Chip's Long Trail book guided us to Manchester Depot, Vermont. The road to the trailhead turned from highway to lane to dirt road quickly, and soon the new car was bumping and scraping through rocks and ruts. We finally parked at a pullover and started hiking.

The road was the trail, so it was relatively easy hiking, pretty much all uphill. After an hour or so, we spotted a side trail and went to investigate. We found ourselves on Prospect Rock, a chunk of cliff on the side of a valley with a panoramic view across to the next range. Down below, the town of Manchester Depot. Wow! A flat spot back from the edge was a nice, protected place for the tents. Water was a ways further up the trail.

We settled in and spent the night watching the town and listening to the stream below. The next morning, I snuggled into a crook in the rock in my sleeping bag and watched a flock of birds fly up through the mist in the valley below. We were intrigued by the sound of the stream in the valley, so after breakfast, we decided to try to get to it.

We made our way down the cliff and down the valley wall and found a great rushing stream full of pools and waterfalls. We followed it awhile, and then decided we needed to go back up the valley to get to the car. Up we went, at one point rock climbing up a cliff with full packs on. We made it over the top, found the trail and the car and headed home.

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