Lake George
Where: Lake George state campground
When: Summer (August?) 1977
With: Solo
I had a break between sessions at the Salvation Army's Saddle Lake Camp, where I was the waterfront director. I'd usually hang out at the camp or go home for the breaks, but this time I decided to head north to Lake George. There were trails along the east side of the lake where I'd hiked with Bill previously. I figured I could go in there, set up camp for a couple of days, then head back.
I recall planning meticulously for the trip, figuring out food that wouldn't spoil (pita bread, cheese, raisins, peanut butter) and gear to bring. I don't remember if I had the gear (pack, tent, etc.) or if I borrowed stuff from the camp.
The next step was transportation. I'm pretty sure I got a ride to Lake George Village, then attempted to hitchhike to my destination. The details have escaped me, but the hitchhiking didn't work out and I found myself back in Lake George Village. Either I knew about or just found a state campground a couple of miles up the western shoreline - the Hearthstone Point Campground. I sort of remember getting an odd reaction when I arrived with just a backpack - no car - and requested a campsite.
I found my site, #217 - space for a tent, picnic table - and settled in for the evening. A couple of guys with motorcycles were in the site across the road, and one came over at one point. "Got anything to flip meat with?", he asked. I wasn't able to help him, but he invited me to come party with them later anyway. I'm pretty sure I took him up on his offer, because I made a note later indicating it was the first time I'd tried pot, but of course I remember nothing. As for the biker guys, well they got kicked out after riding their bikes down to the lake (through the campground) late at night.
The next day I packed up, checked out, and made my wa back to camp. I don't remember calling someone at the camp for a ride, so I believe I hitchhiked (successfully!) back.