Delmar Outskirts

Where: Outskirts of Delmar
When: Sometime in the 70s
With: Solo

Heading out of Delmar, past the high school toward Clarksville, Route 443 quickly turns wooded and rural. Dipping down to streambeds and then climbing again, it's a far different road from its Delaware Avenue identify in the center of town. Side roads head to farms and elsewhere, and in between...not much. Bill & Tom and I explored there a good bit, swinging on vines in the deep stream cuts and wandering through the woods.

One spot was particularly interesting, for it had a small, shallow pond in its midst. Unseen from the road, the water rested in a hollow between two hills. At some point on our visits, it occurred to me that animals probably gathered at the water for food and drink. Knowing that the best time to see any wildlife was early in the morning, I decided to camp out in the area for a night.

I had my brother drive me out there, and brought my bicycle along for transport home the next day. I hid the bike in the woods by the road and walked in toward the pond. Further details are sparse. I recall having my tent set up on a hill above the water, though I don't remember setting it up. Nor do I remember doing anything about a supper. Perhaps I'd eaten at home beforehand? I do have a vague recollection of lying in the tent, alone, somewhat scared by all the sounds around me, but finally sleeping.

The next day proved to be fruitless as far as wildlife viewing went. At least I don't remember seeing anything significant. Again, I have no memory of eating breakfast or packing up or riding home, though I know I did all those things.

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