Sudbury River headwaters

Where: Sudbury River, Fruit St. to Cedar Swamp Pond When: 4/28/2024 With: Sterling Worrell Sterling is a photography teacher at the high school, and runs a drone club there. We've connected a few times about using drones to document trails, or locating waterfalls to photograph. At some point he mentioned an interest in paddling up the Sudbury, and I told him I'd done it several times, so we began to make plans to go. I'd tried to paddle up in 2019 , but was stopped by heavy brush in the waterway above the beaver dam near Cedar Swamp Pond. Since then I've wanted to make another try at it. There were problems though. First, the road bridge by my put-in spot was being rebuilt, and access was limited. Further upstream, a huge construction project was beginning where the river crosses under the Mass Pike and Route 495, and I was concerned that access there would be impacted. Both access concerns turned out to be unfounded, but a new problem emerged. A large beaver dam had ...