The Tripyramids

Where: North (4180'), Middle (4140'), South (4080') Tripyramid loop, NH When: 9/29/2022 With: Solo This was the next hike on my pursuit of New Hampshire's 48 4000' peaks. After doing the Osceolas and the Willey Range in July, I thought I was on a roll for these hikes but things came up. August came & went, and vague plans for early September didn't pan out. I kept coming up with reasons to skip a hike. Finally I decided I had to just do it. It's sort of the opposite of going into denial. I keep taking the steps - packing the gear, filling up the gas tank, setting the alarm - and moving forward, ignoring all of the "but what if.." thoughts. So there I was, on the road in the cool darkness of late September at 5:45 AM, heading to New Hampshire. I landed at the parking area just after 8:00. There were only a few cars in the lot when I arrived, one with a couple packing up for their hike. I pulled my gear together quickly and got on the trail ahe...