AT hike with Chip

Where: Appalachian Trail in MA, CT/MA border to Sheffield Road When: 23-25 June, 2022 With: Chip Planning began in early April, initiated by Chip. He proposed a multi-day hike on the section of the Appalachian Trail where it crosses from Connecticut to Massachusetts, staying at AT shelters & campsites. I suggested a mid-week trip, and Chip sent an email to The Stupids on April 15 proposing an 11.9 mile, three day/two night walk during the first week of June. David & Xeth didn't respond right away, but Chip & I continued to work on the details via email, figuring out where we'd park, where we'd camp, how long each day's walk would be, etc. We also moved the dates out a few weeks to avoid some schedule conflicts, while taking care to avoid the annual "bubble" of AT thru-hikers coming up from Georgia. A little research had them arriving in early July. A second email was sent on May 10, with a map and a narrative description from a guidebook. Chip ad...