The Stupid Storm

Where: Massachusetts Bay When: 6/16/00-6/18/00 With: Seth & Chip The time had come for another Stupid camping trip. The previous five years we had gathered in Collinsville, CT for a couple of days of kayaking down the Farmington River, with an overnight stay in the woods along the river. Very pleasant, very relaxing, and we'd had an incredible streak of good luck with the weather each year. It was the same trip each year though, and the last year we'd been hassled a bit about our admittedly illegal camping spot on someone's private property, so we were thinking about trying something new. As luck would have it, Seth hit it big with some of his animation and offered to fund something a bit more ambitious. His suggestion was to rent a sailboat and go for an ocean cruise. He & Chip had enjoyed a good amount of sailing in their youth, and it seemed like a good step up from the kayaks. Chip, a skilled and experienced sailor, was thrilled with the idea. I had very l...