Guyot Shelter

Where: Guyot Shelter When: 3/25-26, 2000 With: Chip At last! Four years after we made our first attempt we finally got Chip to Guyot shelter. Can we stop winter camping now?! But seriously, folks... As usual, chat about the trip started in early January, with Chip aiming for a date in mid-February. My schedule was already booked, so we pushed it out to early March. Our initial plans were for a ski trip to 13 Falls, hauling our gear on sleds. It was my suggestion, based on my walk along that route last summer. It seemed like a relatively easy trip, though long and somewhat mundane. No climbs, no summit assaults. Chip was agreeable and had three friends from Topsfield lined up to join us. March came and Chip called to say his friends had decided to opt out, so it was just the two of us. Given that, I suggested we take another shot at getting to Guyot shelter. I'd hiked the route last summer so I had a good recollection of the route, and it seemed feasible for us to do. Chip w...