Camp Resolute, Bolton, MA

Where: Camp Resolute, Bolton, MA When: October 22-23, 1999 With: Andy & the Cub Scouts This was a Father/Son "getting to know you" overnight at a local Scout camp for new Cub Scouts. Just a 15 minute drive North on 495. Things started Friday evening, so Dads arrived with their sons after work. We parked and found our way to the camping area without too much trouble, and proceeded to set up our tent. One Dad arrived well after dark with a brand-new tent, still in the box, which his wife had handed him when he arrived home from work. We all pitched in the help him set it up. I don't recall any dinner activities, so we may have been told to eat at home. There was a campfire though. The next morning we had breakfast, then were on our own. The campfire and overnight had been the primary purpose of the event. Several other families left early to get back for things like soccer games. We hung out and explored the camp before heading home. More photos