Three Ponds

Where: Three Ponds When: 8/7-8/8/99 With: Andy The trip started out on a dark note Saturday morning when I returned from retrieving the newspaper to find Andy standing at the bottom of the porch steps. "Daddy," he asked, "can we please not go camping?" He didn't have any specific reason...he just didn't want to go. It was hard to argue with that, since I've cancelled out on my share of trips too. Still, I thought there might be a chance of changing his mind so we continued to talk while we had breakfast. No change. "Okay," I said, "we don't have to go, but I'm going to pack up anyway, just to see how heavy the pack would be." So while he watched his Saturday morning cartoons, I packed the gear. I reasoned that seeing the packing would change his mind, and having everything packed would enable us to get out quickly when it did. Everything was nearly packed, and there was still no interest. That's when I brought out the ...