
Showing posts from January, 1999

Mount Monadnock

Where: Mt. Monadnock When: 1/31/99 With: Solo Super Bowl Sunday, and I decided to go for a hike. A stretch out, gear check walk more than anything. I had some new things I wanted to try (instep crampons, boots, wicking shirt) and some old things I wanted to reacquaint myself with, so I threw a day pack together and headed to Mt. Monadnock. I had a good time on the Pumbelly trail the last time I soloed this hill, so I decided to try it again. Easily my favorite route. It's off the beaten path and longer than most approaches, so it doesn't get much traffic. Despite the length though, it's not a hard trail. The first couple of miles are relatively flat walking through woods...good for working out the kinks and warming up before the real climbing begins. I'd gotten a late start out of the house, so I wanted to get going pretty quickly once I'd parked. A couple of guys arrived around the same time and set off before me though, so I wound up giving them a little h...