Crag Camp

Where: RMC Crag Camp, Mt. Adams When: 3/24-3/27, 1997 With: Brian White, Brad Hennemuth, Jim DeLuco This hike began to form in late 1996, when Brian started recruiting for a winter trip to the Northern Presidentials. He'd tried to organize a similar trip the previous year on short notice, but was unable to pull it together so he figured that the long lead-time might yield more success. Though I'd never hiked with Brian before, my winter camping experience got me on the invitee list and the time frame he was suggesting - mid to late March - fit right in with my annual birthday vacation, so I signed up. Brian proposed a trip to one of the shelters run by the Randolph Mountain Club. His preference was Crag Camp, an unheated enclosed cabin on the rim of King Ravine. Second choice was Grey Knob, a heated cabin with a caretaker, though in a less spectacular location. The other two, The Log Cabin and The Perch, were both open shelters and thus fell to the bottom of the preferenc...