Collinsville II

Where: Collinsville, CT When: 7/20/96-7/21/96 With: Chip, David, Seth Sometime back in June, Chip called to say that Wendy was urging him to go camping, or at least asking him when he planned to go next. We agreed to set the weekend of July 20/21 aside for "something" and Chip made calls to Dave and Seth. Remarkably, everyone was available. The activity was still undetermined however. A camping trip seemed like the best way to get as much of what we wanted into the time available. That still left us a lot of latitude though. A long hike or a short one? In New Hampshire, Connecticut, or Massachusetts? We started investigating various options and destinations. One idea that popped up was a water trip. We'd had fun on the Farmington River the previous year and a river expedition seemed like fun. Chip latched onto the idea. It was something new for us and seemed a good bet to meet our usual demands for adventure, solitude, physical exertion (though not too much), and gene...