Mount Monadnock

Where: Mt. Monadnock When: 11/23/96 With: Solo It was a beautiful day on Mt. Monadnock. The late fall air was cool enough to keep the crowds away and make the hiking comfortable. Visibility was virtually unlimited, except for a slight haze that settled in as the day progressed. Mt. Washington's snow-covered mass was clearly evident to the northeast, as was Boston's skyline to the southeast. To the west and north, the ski slopes of Vermont presented their trails like advertisements, already covered with early season snow. I'd climbed for a number of reasons. First, it was a nice day and I had no other obligations. The chores were done and the family was otherwise occupied. Second, this climb had been on my to-do list for some time. The last time I'd climbed had probably been 10 years ago, when I journeyed up from Boston with a car full of friends and a lot of youthful male enthusiasm. After climbing to the top, we ran down, terrorizing others on the heavily travele...