Lake Lila

Where: Lake Lila, Adirondacks When: 8/25/95-8/27/95 With: Bill, Tom Back in the spring, Tom twisted his ankle while fishing, so when we started discussing plans for our annual Ritz Brothers camping trip, I suggested a canoe trip, to minimize the amount of hiking. I volunteered my Old Town 158 canoe and left it to Bill to choose a destination. He quickly came up with two possibilities. One was a trip he and Tom had done before, involving a paddle across one lake and then a 1/2-mile portage to another lake. The other was a new destination, Lake Lila. A short (0.3-mile) portage directly to the lake, but there were reports of extensive damage resulting from a severe windstorm in July. One person had been killed and trees were apparently down throughout the area, so it wasn't clear if we'd been able to either get in or find a spot to camp. Bill planned to contact the ranger for the area to get home details. While Bill was gathering info on the area, I was thinking about the eq...