Westfield River with Chip

Where: Westfield River, East Branch When: 6/25/94-6/26/94 With: Chip The Westfield River has three branches - West, Middle & East - which flow out of northwest Mass., converge west of Springfield, and then the whole thing dumps into the Connecticut River right at Springfield, which is probably why that city is there. About the same time my brother Bill was asking about this river, Chip called me and said he'd been talking with another lawyer who told him of this great trout stream, which turned out to be the East branch, and a specific spot on the river named The Gorge. We started doing some research and found that this area is home to a couple of state forests, some wildlife management areas, a private nature preserve, and a Corps of Engineers flood control project. Maps in hand, I threw Jane and Andy in the car and we went on a scouting trip a few weeks back. Here's what we found: There's a 7-8 mile stretch of the river running between route 143 in Chesterfield ...