Cedar Brook Trail/Wilderness Trail

Where: Cedar Brook Trail to Wilderness Trail When: February, 1992 With: Chip Three years ago, with Dave, we had done this hike and enjoyed it so much we wrote a song about it. When we talked of great hikes, that one came up first. So naturally, Chip and I decided it was worth a revisit. We had planned to go several weekends before we finally did go, but the weather forced us to change our plans. The winter was odd, with rare snowfalls followed by pouring rain and then sub-zero temperatures. The weekend we went was more of the same, but we convinced ourselves to try anyway. To save time, we bought all our food and alcohol ahead of time and just headed north. Chip insisted on a stop at the NH liquor store anyway, but it was only a short stop and soon we were at the Kancamagus Highway. There had been no snow on the ground most of the way up and the thin covering we saw now was topped with a sheet of ice. We feared we might have to cancel our plans. When we got to the trailhead, the...