Nancy/Norcross Ponds

Where: Nancy/Norcross Ponds When: September 21-22, 1991 With: Chip, Seth Ever since passing through this area years before, I'd wanted to come back to the campsite at Norcross Pond. The combination of water and vista made it an ideal site. So when a hike was proposed, I suggested this area. Seth and I joined Chip at his house and we all piled into my car for the trip. We drove up the Spaudling Turnpike through the traffic jams of Conway, made a stop at a liquor store, and then made for the trailhead. To our dismay, there were quite a few cars parked there already. We feared we'd find crowds in the woods and I figured the campsite would be taken. Undaunted, we started to pack up. By mutual consent, we'd each brought two containers of alcohol. The first was to be a large quantity of something of moderate strength and the second was to be a half-pint of hard liquor. We agreed to save the identities of the half-pints for later but compared notes on our other purchases. ...