Guyot Shelter
Where: Guyot Shelter When: April 6, 1991 With: Solo My first solo hike in several years. There had been little snow that season and I'd done this hike before in the summer, so I figured I'd have no trouble. I packed as light as I could...few extra clothes and only a coffeepot for cooking. My one excess, my winter sleeping bag. I figured I'd rather be safe than sorry. I drove to the Wilderness Trail and started walking in. The first section was 5 miles, to the Bondcliff Trail. The trail was a combination of ice and mud, but I really hauled butt, passing other hikers, and made the trip in 1.5 hours. After stopping for water and peanut M&Ms, I resumed the hike up toward Bondcliff. The first part of the trail followed a brook and I noted several very nice campsites along the way. Perhaps good destinations for future hikes. The trail started to climb more steeply through the woods and left the stream for awhile. As I climbed higher, I started to see patches of snow o...