Bishbash Falls

Where: Bishbash Falls, Alander Mountain When: Autumn, 1990 With: Chip and Dave As I waited for Chip and Dave to arrive, the phone rang. It was Dr. Ken Levy, in town for a visit with some friends. Chip had told him of our trip and Ken thought he might be able to convince his friends to come along. One problem gear. Chip was able to supply a pack, but they were still short a sleeping bag. I volunteered one of mine and said I'd have Chip call when he arrived. Soon thereafter, Chip and Dave pulled up. Chip and Ken talked and decided to meet at the Turnpike entrance on 495. We drove there and waited just inside the tollbooths. While we waited, a van drove through and stalled out in the middle of the road. After a few moments, we decided to help and ran out to give him a push. He seemed a bit confused, but grateful for the help. We got him off the road and ran back to the car, just in time for Ken to pull up. We talked, we gave him the bag and directions to where we wer...