Jose's Bridge

Where: Jose's Bridge, NH When: Summer, 1990 With: Stupid Society I had given all the members of the Stupid Society their very own copies of the White Mountain Guide book and maps, so I decided it was time for someone other than Chip and I to plan a hike. Seth and Dave conferred and came up with Flat Mountain Pond. Easy hike, not too far north...a good choice. We drove up on a nice summer day and without too much trouble we found the trailhead. Unfortunately, the parking area was filled with cars. We consulted the map and figured we could go in another way. We drove back to Bennett Street and followed it in. It soon turned to a rough dirt road and finally ended at a parking lot. We drank some beer, packed up and headed into the woods on the Bennett Street trail. According to the map, it would link up with the other end of the Flat Mountain Pond trail in a mile or so. The trail followed an old road at first and then turned into a footpath. It followed a stream the whole way an...