Thirteen Falls

Where: 13 Falls When: November 18/19, 1989 With: Chip The caterpillar hike. It started as just another autumn hike. Nothing difficult, just a walk into a new area. We planned to follow the Wilderness Trail in past Franconia Brook, and then onto the Franconia Brook trail. At the trailhead, while we packed, I discovered I'd brought along an unexpected companion. A woolly bear caterpillar, which we named Bob. He was in the car and I put him on my pack as we set off. The day was chilly, but we weren't uncomfortable as we walked. We found the Franconia Brook trail and headed into the woods. The trail followed an old rail bed at first, then went into a marshy area where we stopped for a bit. When we decided to continue, we realized we'd lost the trail. We poked around a bit before finally backtracking and locating the way. The trail had taken a turn we hadn't noticed. From there on the trail was pretty flat and easy to follow. It was a very pretty hike. The trail slabb...