Three Ponds

Where: Three Ponds When: Summer, 1988 With: Stupid Society Continuing our exploration of the southern White Mountains, we went west from 93 toward Rumney, past the Famous Polar Caves, on to Ellsworth road, and on to the Three Ponds trail. We packed the Stupid Suits, which came in handy in the parking lot. We discovered that if you just put on the arms and left the legs trailing, someone could grab the legs and spin you around! We got properly dizzy and hit the trail. The hike was easy, pretty, and pleasant. We stopped on a bridge early on for a group photo, one of my favorites. In very short time (it was only 2 miles in) we were at the ponds. We passed the shelter and continued on to the end of the Middle Pond. After passing the Donkey Hill cutoff and crossing a beaver dam, we arrived at a pretty campsite overlooking the pond. We were tempted to stay, but continued on to see if there was anything better on ahead. We went a ways, found a stream, but no better campsite, so we ret...