Desolation Shelter, Cedar Brook Trail

Where: Desolation Shelter via Cedar Brook Trail When: 8/14/87 With: Solo This was a checkout hike. I wanted to see if this route was skiable, so I decided on a non-snow trip to reconnoiter the path. I followed the same route at the beginning as my previous hike , parking at the switchback on the Kancamagus highway and then taking the Hancock Notch trail in to the Cedar Brook trail. Here's where I started on new trail for me. It was a short, easy climb to the height of land and then I started down. I stopped just inside the forest to take a picture. The sunlight was coming down the trail from the clearing at the height of land, and I lashed my camera to a tree and used the timer to get the shot. As I continued my descent, I heard a noise in the woods to my right. A couple of grouse were chasing me, paralleling my route on the trail. I stopped and they scattered up the hill into the woods. When I started again, they returned to the chase, so I stopped again, and they scattered a...