Hancock-Carrigain Attempt
Where: Hancock - Carrigain When: Summer, 1987 With: Solo The AMC White Mountain Guide says, "The ridge line joining Mt. Carrigain and Mt. Hancock has no trail and is rough bushwhacking." This sounded good to me, so off I went. My plan was to go up Hancock, bushwhack along the ridge, and then drop down to Carrigain Pond for the night. The next day, I'd head up Carrigain and then go back to the car on the Hancock Notch trail. The first part of the trip was exactly as advertised. I hiked in and went up the North Hancock side of the Hancock Loop trail. It was easy at first, then very steep. Fortunately, it wasn't too long and I was soon on top, admiring the view. After a bit, I headed toward the South peak. I was stopped at one point by a grouse in the path, making a big fuss. I looked around and spotted 4-5 chicks nearby. I backed off a bit, let the whole family pass, and then continued on. I was keeping an eye out to the left, looking for a likely spot to pick u...